The Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) is an accomplished regional planning and economic development organization, serving 27 towns in the Rutland Region of Vermont. Here I was a graphic design intern from January 2022 to May 2022, handling all their brand work and graphic needs.

Another piece requested by one of my colleagues, Devon asked me to redesign a trifold brochure that had been previously made for the Everybody Rides bus program. Everybody Rides servicing the elderly or those with an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) defined disability throughout the Rutland region.

Mockup designed by user yeven_popov from

The biggest challenge when it came to designing this brochure, was that the target audience is typically people over the age of 60 who may be visually impaired. With this in mind, I needed to design something attractive enough to be taken seriously, but simple and bold, with enough contrast for all to read, including those with aging eyes. This also meant that despite there being lots of information, I needed to find ways of making it all abnormally large but still fit together nicely.
As far as the colors go, I chose white to be the primary because it's clean and contrasts well with dark fonts. I also chose mint green and orange as secondary colors because the mint is inviting and professional, while the orange adds that pop of color to catch attention and make the design feel overall more exciting. Together, I think they perform well and create a sense of contrast and energy to carry the reader's eye throughout the design.
After colors, the imagery was straightforward, and the name of the game was to make everything as legible and clear, as possible.

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